Running Reports
How To: Run a Credit Report
The Credit Report allows you to view the number of credits used within a given time range, as well as what types of messages those credits were used on. Click Reports in the top menu bar. Choose Credits as your report type Specify the Date Range for ...
How to: Create a Usage Report
The Usage report type allows you to see a chart view of your message usage. You select to see the report by Today, 1 week, 1 month, 1 year, or All. Log-in to:, your email address is your username. Click Reports in the top ...
How to: Create an Automated Report
The Automated report type allows you to view your Scheduled Reports and Automated Email Reports. You can view your report history or edit your existing reports. Scheduled Reports These are On Demand or Scheduler reports that you have chosen to ...
How to: Create an Inbox Report
The Inbox report type allows you to view a list of incoming message responses or chat messages. You can run the report on a specific clinic or a specific time period. Log-in to:, your email address is your username. ...
How to: Create an Edit History Report
The Edit History report type allows you to view when the Properties of a message have been modified and by what user. You can run the report on a specific message or over a specific date range. Log-in to:, your email address ...
How to: Create a Chat Report
The Chat report type allows you to view chat messages for a specified time period. You can run the report on chats sent by a specific user or chats sent to and from a specific phone number. Click Reports in the top menu bar. Choose Chats as your ...
How To: Create On Demand Reports
The On Demand report type allows you to view message results and response for a specific time period. You can run the report on a specific message or a specific clinic. Click Reports in the top menu bar. Choose On Demand as your report type ...