How to: Create or Edit a Clinic / Office

How to: Create or Edit a Clinic / Office

Clinics or Offices are a great way to organize your clients.  They can be referenced in Merge Tags to send a clinic's name, phone number, or even address to a message recipient. You can use a custom Caller ID or Email for members of a particular clinic and their physical address.
Note:  You can change the reference from Clinic Name to something else such as Office or School by going to SettingsProfile Settings, and updating the Field Label for Location / Site. In this tutorial, we will be referencing Clinic Name.

  1. Log-in to:, your email address is your username.

  2. Click on Settings  in the top menu bar.

  3. Choose Clinics  from the list of available setting categories.

  4. Here you can choose Add Clinic, or Edit next to an existing clinic. 

  5. On the Clinic Details page, you can add or edit the clinic information.

    1. Required Information

      1. Code - This is a a code used to reference a particular clinic in uploaded files.
        Note: Before changing or adding a clinic's Code please contact Teletask Support at

      2. Name - This is the name that will be displayed when using the Merge Tag for {clinic_name}.
        Note: Merge Tags can be used to add dynamic information to a message; such as the clinic's name, phone number, or address.

    2. Message Values (Required)
      Note: Merge Tags can be used to add dynamic information to a message; such as the clinic's name, phone number, or address.

      1. Phone - This is the phone number that will display when using the Merge Tag for {clinic_phone}. 
        Note: This number does not need to mach the Voice Caller ID number.

      2. Address - This is the address that will display when using the Merge Tag for {clinic_address}.

      3. Group - Optional - This is used to organize clinics for easier viewing, it does not have any impact on messages.

  6. Press Save and close  to finalize your changes.

  7. You will receive a confirmation that the Clinic details have been successfully added for the tenant.

Re-order Clinics

Clinics can be re-ordered by left-clicking on a Clinic, continue to hold your mouse button down and dragging the clinic to its new location.

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