How to: Create an Automated Report

How to: Create an Automated Report

The Automated report type allows you to view your Scheduled Reports and Automated Email Reports. You can view your report history or edit your existing reports.

Scheduled Reports

These are On Demand or Scheduler reports that you have chosen to schedule on a reoccurring bases.
  1. Log-in to:, your email address is your username.

  2. Click Reports  in the top menu bar.

  3. Choose Automated   as your report type.

  4. Under Scheduled Reports you can see any existing On Demand or Scheduler reports that were previously scheduled

  5. There are multiple Actions you can take on a Scheduled Report.

  1. To see your original report criteria, select View.

    Example of an On Demand message:

  2. To change your Schedule Report criteria, select Edit.

  3. To see previous results of the report, select History. Click Download to view an Excel file of the report results.

  4. To remove the report, select Delete. A pop-up dialog box will ask you to press OK to confirm.


Automated Email Reports

These are Automated Email Reports which are emailed to users on a daily or monthly bases. The option to enable receiving Automated Emails Reports is found on a user's profile.

Set up the User Account to Receive Automated Email Reports

  1. Log-in to:, your email address is your username.

  2. Click Settings  in the top menu bar.

  3. Select User Profiles  to see your list of users.

  4. Press Edit next to the account that you would like to set up to receive Automated Email Reports.

  5. Check the box for Receive email reports specified on the Automated Emails page.

  6. Press Update buttonto finalize the change.

Set up Automated Email Reports

  1. Click Reports  in the top menu bar.

  2. Choose Automated   as your report type.

  3. Locate the Automated Email Reports.
  1. Check the box for the Monthly Message Summary Report and choose Update. The user will now receive a monthly report with usage statistics for your messages. This report is broken down into Voice Messages, Text Messages, Email Messages, and Messages by Group or Clinic and their associated sent status and totals over a monthly period.

  1. Use the drop-down menu to select a send time for Daily Automated Reports and choose Update. This report is broken down into Voice Messages, Text Messages, Email Messages, and Messages by Group or Clinic and their associated sent status and totals for a single day.

  2. Use the drop-down menu to select a send time for No Messages Uploaded Report and choose Update. This report can be used as a reminder to save files to your upload folder when using automated messages.

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