How to: Assign Chats to Users

How to: Assign Chats to Users

Chat assignments help you and your team stay organized in the Teletask Portal. You can assign chats in different ways, including bulk assignments.

Quick Assign to Self

You can assign a chat to yourself quickly by pressing the Assign to Me  arrow list of viewable chats or the Assign to me  button within a chat itself.

Quick Assign from list of chats

  1. Click on Chats   in the gray bar.

  2. Locate the chat that you want to assign to yourself from the list of chats.

  3. Press the assign Assign to me  arrow.

  4. The chat is now assigned to you and is viewable under My Assignments  in the chat filter.

Quick Assign from within an Open Chat

  1. Click on Chats   in the gray bar.

  2. Locate the chat that you want to assign to yourself from the list of chats.

  3. Click on the chat to open up the chat details.

  4. Underneath the response field, press the Assign to me  button.

  5. The chat is now assigned to you and is viewable under My Assignments  in the chat filter.

Assign to any User

You can assign chats individually to a s[specific user or do bulk assignments. These can be both for yourself or for other users in the organization.

Assign each Chat Individually

  1. Click on Chats   in the gray bar.

  2. Open the chat that you want to assign to a user. 

  3. In the right-hand panel click the Chat Options   to view the additional options.

  4. Select Assign Chat and a drop-down list of your users will appear. Pick the user who you would like the chat assigned to.

  5. The chat is now assigned to the user that you selected. and is viewable under their My Assignments  in the chat filter.

Bulk Assignment

  1. Click on Chats   in the gray bar.

  2. In the left-hand panel locate the chat message that you want assign and then check the box next to that message.
    Note: You can check more then one box to assign multiple messages at once.

  3. A new set of options will appear at the top of the page, press the Assign option.

  4. When you select the Assign option, you will be given a list of your current users. Choose the User that will be assigned to the message.

  5. The chat is now assigned to the user that you selected. and is viewable under their My Assignments  in the chat filter.

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