How to: Add Subjects to Chat

How to: Add Subjects to Chat

Chat Subjects allow you to organize your chats in the Teletask Portal. You can assign different subject to remind you what chats are about such as rescheduling an appointment. They can also be used to sort chat messages, To learn more about creating and assigning subjects, please follow the steps below.

Enable and Create Chat Subjects

Before assigning a Subject to a chat message, the Chat Subject option must be enabled.

  1. Click Settings  in the top menu bar.

  2. Choose Chat  as your Setting type.

  3. Scroll towards the bottom and check the box for Set Chat Subjects.

  4. Press Add Option  to add a new subject line.

  5. Enter the name of your subject in the box provided.

  6. Repeat steps 4 and 5 until you have added all of your subject types.

  7. Select Update  to finalize your changes.

  8. These subjects will now be available to assign to chats.

Add a Subject to a Chat message

  1. Click Chats  in the top menu bar.

  2. Open the chat that you want to assign a subject.

  3. In the right-hand panel click the Chat Options  to view the additional options

  4. Select Add Subject and a drop-down list of your subjects will appear. Pick the subject that you would like to assign to the chat.

  5. The subject is now associated with the chat message that you selected.

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