The Dashboard offers the ability to see a summary of your outgoing messages and response history.
Note: If using the Scheduler go to Messages in the gray bar and then choose Message Dashboard.
The Dashboard is where you can answer questions such as:
- Are my messages going out?
- Is my message correctly scheduled for a later date or time?
- How can I cancel a message?
- What is the exact message a specific user has received?
- What phone number was the call or text sent too?
- How many messages went out?
Message Summary
The Message Summary shows Delivered Message counts, Responses, and New Contacts added from all outgoing messages over a specified time-frame.
- Delivered Messages: shows the total number of messages that have been delivered in the selected time frame.
- Responses: shows the total the total number incoming Text or Voice messages that were received in response to outgoing messages.
- New Contacts: shows the total number of new participants or contacts that have been added to the system related to the outgoing messages.
- Time-Frame drop-down: offers the ability to select Today, Last 7 Days or Last 30 Days and view the resulting counts of Delivered Messages, Responses, and New Contacts.
Message Activity
The Message Activity area is split into three main sections: Summary, Inbox, and Outbox.
The Summary section shows the most recent messages that have been sent along with the associated number of Texts, Calls, and Emails for that particular message.
Sent Messages:
Sent Messages are messages that have previously been sent. They include the title of the message and the number of Text, Calls, and/or Emails that have been sent.
- Clicking View Report or selecting the title of the message offers the ability to view Messages or Responses.
- Responses: displays voice confirmations or reply text messages for a particular sent message.
- Messages: displays the detailed information about a message along with a graph showing a summary of the delivered message under the tab All Messages.
Example: Graph showing message summary
Example: Detailed information about each message
- Selecting View on the right-hand side of a recipient will bring up the message that was sent to that specific participant.
Example Voice Message:
Example Text Message:
Scheduled Message:
Scheduled Messages are messages that have been scheduled to be sent at a later date and time. They include the title of the message, the scheduled date and time, along with the number of text and calls that will be attempted.
The Inbox is like the Responses section except that it shows responses that have been received for all out-going messages instead of just one particular message. The Inbox displays voice confirmations or reply text messages for all sent message.
The Outbox is similar to the Messages section except that it shows all out-going messages that have been sent instead of just one particular message. The Outbox displays the detailed information about all sent messages, including the time it was sent, how the message was receivied, and the content of the message the recipient received.
- Example: Detailed information about each message
Send New Messages
There is a button in the top right-hand corner called Send New Message . This will take you to the Messages Page and open up a new Group Message template.
For more information about Group Messages visit:
Messages Page
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